× GeoClasses:
https://situx.github.io/cuneiformontology/signlist/3(u)_charvariant1 powered by Static GeoPubby generated using the SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin OntDoc Script 0.18
depicted by (crm:P62_depicted_by) HS1174_obverse_line1_char1_glyph (cunei:HS1174_obverse_line1_char1_glyph)
asSVG (graphemon:asSVG)
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="75" height="50"><defs/><g stroke=" (...)#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="" fill="#000000"><path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" paint-order="fill stroke markers" d=" M 34 15.000000000000007 L 31.6 18.640000000000008 L 30.4 22.320000000000007 L 29.799999999999997 26.000000000000007 L 30.4 29.640000000000008 L 31.6 33.32000000000001 L 34 37.00000000000001 L 31 33.32000000000001 L 28.799999999999997 31.000000000000007 L 27.200000000000003 29.400000000000006 L 25.6 28.000000000000007 L 24 27.000000000000007 L 22.6 26.000000000000004 L 24 25.000000000000007 L 25.6 24.000000000000007 L 27.200000000000003 22.600000000000005 L 28.799999999999997 21.000000000000007 L 31 18.640000000000008 L 34 15.000000000000007 M 44 15.000000000000007 L 41.6 18.640000000000008 L 40.4 22.320000000000007 L 39.8 26.000000000000007 L 40.4 29.640000000000008 L 41.6 33.32000000000001 L 44 37.00000000000001 L 41 33.32000000000001 L 38.8 31.000000000000007 L 37.2 29.400000000000006 L 35.6 28.000000000000007 L 34 27.000000000000007 L 32.6 26.000000000000004 L 34 25.000000000000007 L 35.6 24.000000000000007 L 37.2 22.600000000000005 L 38.8 21.000000000000007 L 41 18.640000000000008 L 44 15.000000000000007 M 54 15.000000000000007 L 51.6 18.640000000000008 L 50.4 22.320000000000007 L 49.8 26.000000000000007 L 50.4 29.640000000000008 L 51.6 33.32000000000001 L 54 37.00000000000001 L 51 33.32000000000001 L 48.8 31.000000000000007 L 47.2 29.400000000000006 L 45.6 28.000000000000007 L 44 27.000000000000007 L 42.6 26.000000000000004 L 44 25.000000000000007 L 45.6 24.000000000000007 L 47.2 22.600000000000005 L 48.8 21.000000000000007 L 51 18.640000000000008 L 54 15.000000000000007" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray=""/></g></svg>
hasGottsteinCode (graphemon:hasGottsteinCode) c3 (graphemon:gottsteinLiteral)
hasPaleoCode (graphemon:hasPaleoCode) w-w-w (graphemon:paleocodeLiteral)
type (rdf:type) grapheme variant (graphemon:GraphemeVariant) [x]
label (rdfs:label) Grapheme Variant 1: 3(u) (rdf:langString) (iso6391:en)
Is member (rdfs:member) of
inDataset (void:inDataset) cunei_dataset (cunei:cunei_dataset) [12202 lemon:entry]