× GeoClasses:
http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3364_area_of_use powered by Static GeoPubby generated using the SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin OntDoc Script 0.18
extent<http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84> POLYGON ((-74.72 39.71, -74.72 41.18, -80.53 41.18, -80.53 39.71, -74.72 39.71)) (gsp:wktLiteral)
type (rdf:type) area of use (geoepsg:AreaOfUse)
label (rdfs:label)
United States (USA) - Pennsylvania - counties of Adams; Allegheny; Armstrong; Beaver; Bedford; Berks; Blair; Bucks; Butler; Cambria; Chester; Cumberla (...)nd; Dauphin; Delaware; Fayette; Franklin; Fulton; Greene; Huntingdon; Indiana; Juniata; Lancaster; Lawrence; Lebanon; Lehigh; Mifflin; Montgomery; Northampton; Perry; Philadelphia; Schuylkill; Snyder; Somerset; Washington; Westmoreland; York.
(rdf:langString) (iso6391:en)
Is area_of_use ofNAD83(HARN) / Pennsylvania South (geoepsg:3364)
inDataset (void:inDataset) geoepsg_dataset (geoepsg:geoepsg_dataset) [466048 geocrs:PlanarCoordinateSystem]