100 km
Property | Value |
extent | <http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84> POLYGON ((-60 14.08, -60 18.32, -63.66 18.32, -63.66 14.08, -60 14.08)) (gsp:wktLiteral) |
type (rdf:type) | area of use (geoepsg:AreaOfUse) |
label (rdfs:label) | French Antilles onshore and offshore west of 60°W - Guadeloupe (including Grande Terre, Basse Terre, Marie Galante, Les Saintes, Iles de la Petite Ter (...)re, La Desirade, St Barthélemy, and northern St Martin) and Martinique. |
Is area_of_use of | RRAF 1991 / UTM zone 20N (geoepsg:4559) |
Property | Value |
inDataset (void:inDataset) | geoepsg_dataset (geoepsg:geoepsg_dataset) [466048 geocrs:PlanarCoordinateSystem] |