× GeoClasses:
http://www.opengis.net/ont/crs/DerivedParametricCRS powered by Static GeoPubby generated using the SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin OntDoc Script 0.18

Description: definition:derived coordinate reference system which has a parametric coordinate reference system as its base CRS, thereby inheriting a parametric datum, and a parametric coordinate system

type (rdf:type) Class (owl:Class) [x]
isDefinedBy (rdfs:isDefinedBy) 18-005r4.html (18-005r4.html) [x]
label (rdfs:label) derived parametric coordinate reference system (rdf:langString) (iso6391:en)
subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf)
definition (skos:definition)
derived coordinate reference system which has a parametric coordinate reference system as its base CRS, thereby inheriting a parametric datum, and a p (...)arametric coordinate system
(rdf:langString) (iso6391:en)
Is class (void:class) ofClass Partition: DerivedParametricCRS (geoepsg:geoepsg_dataset_DerivedParametricCRS)
inDataset (void:inDataset) geoepsg_dataset (geoepsg:geoepsg_dataset) [466048 geocrs:PlanarCoordinateSystem]